Saturday, October 4, 2008

Christmas gifts at Cafe Press~

My online Cafe Press shop has a lot of wonderful items for Christmas. Here is a small sample.

An Icelandic horse Travel mug with a Holiday Theme.

Christmas Tree ornament, Icelandic horse style.

The Yule Jenny Donkey Ornament~

There are many wonderful things to look at, so please, feel free to browse my online stores.


Unknown said...

Wow I do love these designs, they are absolutely brilliant. I can think of so many people I could give these to for Christmas.

I tend to struggle with gift ideas for some of my family, even though I know them, their hobbies and interests sometimes I just can't think of what to buy them.

What I have decided to do this year is search the net and look for sites that give inspiration and gift ideas for all members of the family. One that I have taken a fancy to is i want one of those which is fantastic if you are buying for younger people.