Sunday, January 25, 2009

Sleeping Mia WIP ~7

More color added to her ears, more shading on the underside of her chin. Worked on the area's around her whiskers.
Still need to finish up on her fur, paw and the very light and fluffy bed she is sleeping in.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Having fun Creating Abstracts~

I am slowly getting the hang of my two favorite digital Fractal/3D programs. Have decided I like roundness, flow and reflexions. One should be able to input a series of numbers to get certain shapes but it doesn't always work out the way one is thinks it should. Sometimes the numbers interact with each other in a strange way.... other words.. the Art has a mind of its own. Am really enjoying the learning process, is expanding my mind and am willing to try new things. Having lots of fun creating digital abstracts!!
Above are three of my latest digital art creations.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Sleeping Mia WIP ~6

Worked with the background a bit, adding some depth. A lot more ink to the left side of her face. Second and third layer of fur being added and some color through out her fur. I know it doesn't look like much as been added since the last update, it is hard to show the level of detail that I end up doing.
Most folks can whip out paintings quickly, I on the other hand, can't. I guess I like doing the tiny details, though it does take a lot more time.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Winter wonderland

One snowy morning here in NW Oregon, on my Farm, I took this "winter wonderland" photograph with my Evolt 510 camera.

Sleeping Mia WIP ~5

Finally have some updates to show you. I have removed the Fisk masking just on the ears. Added another layer to the background and did some more work on the ears.

More watercolor wash and inking to the ears, face and around eyes.
You can see the differences in the coloring between both the photos. Really does make a difference to what kind of light you have when using your camera to take photos of your paintings.